As the coconut is filled with it’s  water,
As fruits are filled with their different taste,
Just like these we all humans are also filled with,
Can anyone guess what we are filled with, we are filled with stress, depression, tension, anger and many other things like these and all these things are going to make our health the worst. And do you know that all these things started filling in us when we started growing up, when we were small we were having no stress, no depression, do tension, do anger on anyone, the thing which we all were filled up was happiness and enjoyment.
I  sometime thinks that why everyone even these kids are getting mature at a very early age, why they want to get mature so early and want to get mixed in this 2 faced world. I just miss those days when i use to be young, a different happiness was there in my body when i was young, we use to enjoy everything even when we were also scolded by our parent’s. I just want to be small again, when i use to do childish things, when i use to believe everything anyone says to me even if it is a lie.
Just think what must have happened if we had a time travelling machine and we can go back in time and can again live that life, and can do many things which we were unable to do before, and can live our life to the fullest.
I think all of us must have this dream in their mind to go back in time and live that life again, because we are all stuck in this bad, 2 faced world where you just can’t trust anyone except your family and in some cases you just can’t even trust your own family.
Before when we were small we use to believe everything someone tells us, but now we can’t just believe on anyone, either the one is telling us truth or not.
If anyone from you get’s the same feeling like i just told and if you like my today’s blog, you can share it and if you want more blogs like this you can subscribe my blog, so that whenever i post new blogs you will get notified first.     
